Considerations for your Direct Mail Campaign

According to the DMA, flats have the best response rates at 6.6%, followed by postcards at  5.7% and letters at 4.3%. However, you should consider all formats to see which one is the best fit for your campaign. What ever you decide to do, if done correctly direct mail is a targeted way of gaining new customers and retaining existing ones.  They can help with both branding and delivering a direct return on your investment.


The Planning Stage

  • What is my budget?
  • What demographic do I want to reach?
  • How many potential customers do I want to mail?
  • When is the best time to mail, is now the right time?
  • What locations do I want to reach?
  • What mechanism do I want to use (envelopes, postcards, one piece mailer, unwrapped brochure)?
  • How do I make sure my direct mail campaign is cost effective and delivers a return on my investment?
  • How do I manage the response?


Be to the Point – You have about eight seconds to grab the attention of the person looking through their mail.

Keep It Simple – Be to the point and get you unique selling points across, long wordy paragraphs tend not to work as well.

Add Bold Artwork – Use relevant images to get your message across, consider your price point when deciding what to us.

Consider your Offer – From unique voucher codes and discounts, to loyalty schemes, or it may be you want to sell on the quality or uniqueness of your product or service. What ever you decide, this should be carefully considered and come across consistently in  your messaging.

Find Ways To Stand Out- Your prospects and customers are looking for unique pieces in the mail and there are some really fun and creative ways to engage your audience.

Consider using the following elements:

  • Postcards
  • Brochures
  • Letters
  • One piece mailers
  • Vouchers