Market Research – Mailing Facts

Direct Mail continues to be the preferred choice for brochures, catalogues, welcome packs and statements, whereas email is considered more appropriate for new, confirmations and promotional offers. A study carried out in 2007 (just prior to the launch of the first iPhone) provided very similar results to a more recent survey, proving that, for the right service, Direct Mail is still King despite the explosion in e-services.

Welcome Packs

62% preferred to receive mailed copies as opposed to only 23% who preferred email

Brochures and Catalogues

63% preferred to receive mailed copies as opposed to only 21% who preferred email

Bills and Statements

53% preferred to receive mailed copies as opposed to only 26% who preferred email

Confirmations and Follow-up Messages

57% preferred to receive emails copies as opposed to only 21% who preferred mailed copies

News and Updates

62% preferred to receive emails copies as opposed to only 17% who preferred mailed copies

Promotions and Offers

53% preferred to receive emails copies as opposed to only 21% who preferred mailed copies

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