4 Advantages of Direct Mail Over Email


Although technology has changed the direct marketing landscape, direct mail continues to make even stronger marketing connections – with enhancements made possible by web technology, etc.


Whether we are talking about the physical or electronic inbox, just how capable are you of reading all the mail you receive? Personal inboxes are chock-a-block with personal communication, updates, offers, news and others but do you really have the energy or the time to go through it all?

On average, there are 13 billion letters sent and received per year in the UK, while for emails, there are about 215.3 billion sent and received PER DAY! It would take 16.5 years to send or even read that many letters!

While some businesses continue to contribute to already overloaded inboxes, it is fair to say that direct mailing services are a more personal way to send more memorable and relatable messages.

Value for Money

From a marketer’s perspective, direct mail gives more value for money. Advertising mail usually stays within the homes of prospective consumers for approximately 17 days – presenting itself as a constant reminder. While 50% of emails are opened within the first 24 hours, these tend to be almost immediately forgotten.

Personal Touch

Taking your marketing game to whole new door-to-door sales level, you can welcome your way into the homes of your audience with a perfectly crafted sales pitch that has been designed with them in mind!

You cannot achieve that with email.

Evidence has shown that 92% of people in the UK engaged with a brand after receiving direct mail, while 81% did the same for email-based targeted campaigns.

Direct mail has a physical presence and there is no need to fight for attention! Letters are usually opened during the customers’ alone time and once it is in their hands, you’re already half way there!

Honest to Goodness

Studies have shown that printed words are more cognitively engaging than the words we read on tablets or mobile devices – paper based messages just feel so much more endearing.

It can also be said that letters come across as more honest and believable so they are a much more efficient means of communicating. The prevalence of online articles on social Newsfeeds that do not hold any truth or credibility is having a very negative effect on how emails are perceived.

There is no denying the facts and numbers. Email us today at info@cavaliermailing.com and Cavalier Mailing will help you to connect with customers on a deeper level –  for a much more favourable response rate and then some!

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