Tag Archives: Mailing

Royal Mail Door Drops


Door drops can be a cost-effective way to get your leaflets, flyers and brochures directly into customers’ hands.

Did you know that around 80% of the UK’s top advertisers use door drops*? Its a fact that 73% are opened, read, filed or set aside for later.*

You can use door drops to get your message into almost 30 million relevant homes across the UK, without using personal data eliviating the fear that sometimes surrounds GDPR

Prices for door drop distribution have been frozen for 2020 so you can reach new customers and keep costs down.

Ask Cavalier Mailing about the benfits of Royal Mail Door Drops

*DMA Door guide 2018

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6 Useful Types of Direct Mail and Their Benefits

6 types of direct mail

Businesses who tailor their direct mail campaigns specifically for each purpose, addressing it to a relevant target audience, will save money on mailing costs and guarantee favourable returns.

You too can be successful in your direct mail strategies. Take a look at our list of useful direct mail pieces and their benefits:


Postcards are one of the clearest and most effective messaging tools you can use for a variety of products and services. Aside from being economical, postcards are proven to effectively generate leads.

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4 Direct Mail Edges that lead to Increased ROI

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Today, more pieces of direct mail are being opened compared to 2013. This is based on recent research conducted by Wilmington Millennium, which revealed that a staggering 500 million pieces of direct mail (DM) are now being opened and read – adding an additional £1.6 billion to the channel’s ROI.

Interesting Advantage

Printed direct mail possesses a noteworthy advantage over digital mail marketing as it is carefully developed, specifically targeted, tangible and reasonably unique – creating a favourable response from the recipient. Add to the equation the rise of new printing methods and techniques that make for a truly stand out message and voila!

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4 Advantages of Direct Mail Over Email


Although technology has changed the direct marketing landscape, direct mail continues to make even stronger marketing connections – with enhancements made possible by web technology, etc.


Whether we are talking about the physical or electronic inbox, just how capable are you of reading all the mail you receive? Personal inboxes are chock-a-block with personal communication, updates, offers, news and others but do you really have the energy or the time to go through it all?

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Direct Mail Strategies: Know your Recipients!

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Businesses are very aware that direct mailing is still alive and kicking but what keeps it active? The answer lies with the very people that receive and respond to direct mail!

Let us explore your recipients and their potential viewpoint – from what they feel, to how they end up on mailing lists and all the in-betweens:

Potential Buyers

The direct mail list displays people’s profiles such as their age, civil status, number of children and education – everything that is relevant to their purchasing capabilities.

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Qualities of Effective Direct Mail

As one of the most cost-efficient print mediums, direct mail is an effective means of promoting your products and services. Unlike other advertisements, direct mail has the power to market messages that cannot be emphasised in a few words and the outcome can be easily monitored and assessed. Direct mailing gives you the opportunity to disclose a thorough description of your company’s services, while allowing you to forge an in-depth connection with your target audience.

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5 Ways to Personalise Your Direct Mails


There’s a quote by Marissa Meyer that goes “To me, the future is personalisation.” There’s a reason why marketers urge for more personalised content; people crave it. It makes them feel like their interests and preferences have been considered and frankly, who doesn’t want to be considered?

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Why Direct Mail Marketing Will Never Die

Direct mail marketing is alive and kicking – even though the world keeps introducing new and unique ways to present different products and services to consumers, direct mail marketing is adapting and evolving just as much as any other marketing strategy.

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Market Research – Mailing Facts

Direct Mail continues to be the preferred choice for brochures, catalogues, welcome packs and statements, whereas email is considered more appropriate for new, confirmations and promotional offers. A study carried out in 2007 (just prior to the launch of the first iPhone) provided very similar results to a more recent survey, proving that, for the right service, Direct Mail is still King despite the explosion in e-services.

Welcome Packs

62% preferred to receive mailed copies as opposed to only 23% who preferred email

Brochures and Catalogues

63% preferred to receive mailed copies as opposed to only 21% who preferred email

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Royal Mail to change Printed Postage Impression – PPI

The design of the Royal Mail’s Printed Postage Impression (PPI) is changing by adding ‘Delivered by Royal Mail’ mark to the current PPI designs.

Why we are they doing this?
The Royal Mail believes it important that their employees role in delivering the mail to communities throughout the UK is fully recognised.

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Royal Mail to charge VAT on all bulk services

Changes to the way in which the Royal Mail are regulated and how their services attract VAT are due to come into force from 2nd April 2012. Some of the information is still to be detailed but in a nutshell from April if you send mail using the Royal Mail Online Business Account (OBA) or using a docket book you will be charged VAT.

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